A Brief History of the Siberian Husky
Siberian Huskies are a natural and ancient breed of sled dog, developed by the Chukchi Indians over many centuries of co-dependence. These highly social, friendly and intelligent dogs earned their keep by pulling the Chukchis' sleds swiftly across vast tracts of inhospitable hunting grounds, where speed, stamina and hardiness were crucial for survival.....
Forstal Siberian Huskies (established 1969)
At Forstal all our dogs are, first and foremost, much loved pets and members of the family. They are also, of course, working sled dogs and many are shown too. They live together as a pack in large enclosures at our forest home and spend a lot of time with us indoors every day, where they ‘watch TV’ and ‘help’ us with our chores....
A Brief Summary of Our History in the Siberian Husky Breed
Our family first imported a pair of Siberians from the USA in 1969 (when we returned to the UK after many years living overseas). These proved to be the third pair of this breed in the country. The two dogs, Ilya of Northwood and Douschka of Northwood, along with further imports, formed the foundation for Forstal Kennels. We were unable to have the kennel name Northwood, as it was disallowed by the KC, so ended up with our second choice, Forstal, which we have always understood to be an Anglo Saxon word meaning ‘of the forest’.....